DFW Immigrant Law Center is a program at the Center for Social and Rural Development Inc. a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Dallas Fort Worth area. The DWF Immigrant Law Center is lay organization that aspires to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor immigrants with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working to shape a more just and compassionate society.


A United States of America transformed by compassion and built on justice. The DWF Immigrant Law Center advocates on several pressing social justice issues such as homelessness, poverty and asylum seekers and legal immigration.


Our mission in brief is to empower immigrants, refugees, asylees and other foreign-born individuals by helping them to access community resources and opportunities. The DWF Immigrant Law Center aspires to be recognized as a caring charity offering “a hand up” to immigrants and people in need. We do this by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope, and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny.


Our team is a group of leaders and advocates who are invested in generating community awareness and philanthropic support for the well-being of our community.

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Our Board is comprised of community and national leaders with expertise in a wide range of areas, including training, advocacy…

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